An important part of the settings is correctly filling in “My Account.” The fields to be completed in this section contain the necessary company details used for our internal administration. These cover the essential 'basic information' needed to get started with InformerOnline.
Setting Up My Account
To fill in “My Account,” click on “Settings” in the left-hand menu, then under “General,” select “My Account.”
You will now see an overview of your basic information. Complete these fields as thoroughly as possible. In the "Security Code" field, you can change the security code for logging in. When creating your account, Informer automatically generated a code for you. Here, you can change it to something easier for you to remember. Once everything is filled in, click the “Save” button.
If you do not yet have a VAT number, you can temporarily fill in a space to proceed.
Note: These details are not used for creating invoices or quotes. The settings for that can be found under 'Settings' -> 'Business administrations.' When you select an administration there, you will see the settings used to create invoices and quotes, among other things.
Extra Tabs
In addition to entering your details, you can also read and accept the privacy agreement here, view and download Informer invoices.