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How do you close a financial year?
Ryan Voerman avatar
Written by Ryan Voerman
Updated over a week ago

Before you can close a financial year, it is necessary to set a number of settings correctly. For new administrations, this is automatically set correctly when creating the administration. If the settings are not correct, you need to set them yourself.

Preparing for year-end closure

For administrations created after 31-12-2016, steps 1 to 3 have already been completed and can be skipped.

Step 1: Create General ledger account
Go to Settings > Categories (or general ledger if you use accounting terms).
Create the following accounts:

General Ledger Account 1

  • Number: 2000

  • Description: Capital

  • Type: Balance

  • Account Type: Regular account

General Ledger Account 2

  • Number: 9998

  • Description: Transfer result year-end closure

  • Type: Balance

  • Account Type: Regular account

Step 2: create new diary
Go to Settings > Journals and create the following new diary if it doesn't already exist:

  • Number: 42

  • Description: Year-End Closure

  • Type: Memorial

  • Contra Account: 9998 - Transfer result year-end closure

Step 3: select the journal and account in the settings
Go to Settings > Accounting settings and fill in the following settings if needed:

  • Journal for year-end closing: 42 - Year-End Closure

  • Capital account for year-end closing: 2000 - Capital

Closing the year

You can now close the financial year via "Advanced" -> "Close year".
Press "Close year" for the year you want to close.

A pop-up will appear showing the revenue, costs, and balance of the year to be closed. If everything is correct, you can close the year by entering your password and choosing "Close year 20XX". The password you need to enter is the one you used to log in to Informer.

After closing the financial year, the profit for the year will be posted to the account set in the accounting settings (2000 - capital) in period 13. In this case, the balance differs from the actual closing because fiscal year 2017 has already been closed.

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