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How do I create a preferred entry?
Ryan Voerman avatar
Written by Ryan Voerman
Updated over a week ago

In the menu on the left, select "Settings" and then choose 'Preferred entries-purchase' or 'Preferred entries-bank transactions'. You can create preferred entries for a journal entry and a purchase entry.

In the example below, we will create a purchase preferred entry, so we choose Preferred Entries Purchase and then "New." The window for creating a preferred entry will open.

In the "Code" field, enter the abbreviation for the preferred entry. For example, if it's a preferred entry for telephony, you would enter "TEL" here.

In the "Description" field, enter the description of the preferred entry. This description will appear when you select the preferred entry.

You can base it on a 'Based on value' or a Based on percentages. If the amount on the purchase invoice is always the same, you can specify a Based on value. If the amount varies, you can choose a Based on percentages. The amounts will be automatically calculated by InformerOnline based on the amount provided on the purchase invoice.

After filling in this information, you can start 'creating' the invoice lines. These invoice lines will be automatically filled in for you after selecting the preferred entry. For example, if it’s an invoice for your mobile phone subscription, you might choose general ledger account 4330 (Telecommunications). In the description, enter the description found on the invoice (e.g., Monthly subscription phone costs). Enter the amount (or percentage) and the VAT type. The VAT amount will be automatically calculated based on the amount.

Below is an example based on a Based on value:

Below is an example based on a Based on percentages:

As you can see, a Based on percentages has now been set. 50% of the invoice amount will be booked to 4330 (Telecommunications), and the other 50% will be booked to 4300 (Office Supplies).

Once everything is filled in to your satisfaction, click "Save" in the top right corner.
The preferred entry can now be used when processing a purchase invoice, for example.

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