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Why is Ponto not synchronize my banktransactions?
Mark van der Genugten avatar
Written by Mark van der Genugten
Updated over a month ago

When you use the automatic bank connection via Ponto, the connection needs to be revalidated every 90 days due to PSD2 regulations. This legislation requires you to grant access to your bank data to a third party, other than your bank, every 90 days.

If the connection is not revalidated within the 90-day period, transactions will temporarily stop being imported. Once the connection is revalidated in the Ponto environment, the missing transactions will be retrieved, and the connection will function again for the next 90 days.

Tip: Ponto synchronizes four times a day. As a result, it may take some time before the new transactions become visible in Informer. Patience will ensure that this issue resolves itself automatically.

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